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Source language
Polish Cmentarz
Cmentarz wojenny z okresu 1939-1945,na którym pochowani są żołnierze Wojska Polskiego, którzy
polegli w obronie Warszawy.Rozstrzelani przez hitlerowców w Wawrze 29.04.1942 r.
Radzieccy artylerzyści polegli w walce o wyzwolenie Warszawy.Ofiary działań wojennych.

Completed translations
Russian Кладбище
Source language
English Know-how
Know-how shall mean technical data, formulae, standards, technical information, specifications, processes, methods, code books, raw materials, as well as all information, knowledge, assistance, trade practices and secrets, and improvements thereto, divulged, disclosed, or in any way communicated to the Licensee under this Agreement, unless such information was, at the time of disclosure, or thereafter becomes part of the general knowledge or literature which is generally available for public use from other lawful sources. The burden of proving that any information disclosed hereunder is not confidential information shall rest on the licensee.

Completed translations
Russian Секрет производства
Source language
Icelandic Íslandsmeistarar Vals gengu í gær frá samningum...
Íslandsmeistarar Vals gengu í gær frá samningum við danska miðjumanninn Rasmus Hansen. Er samningur hans við Val til eins árs

Hansen kom til landsins í dag og búast Valsmenn við miklu af þessum 29 ára gamla miðjumanni. Hansen kemur frá Randers þar sem hann hefur spilað síðustu fimm ár. Þar á undan lék hann með Silkeborg.

Hansen er 177 sentimetrar á hæð, 85 kíló og hefur skorað 5 mörk á sínum ferli.
Velkominn Rasmus

Completed translations
Danish Rasmus Hansen, Valur
English Val
Russian Новый игрок исландского клуба "Валур"